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Top 5 SMB industries vulnerable to Cyber Threats in 2024

Accounting Firms: We are seeing uptick of Accounting firms becoming targets for cybercriminals. This is because of the senstitive data from tax records to financial transactions that they handle, making them attractive targets.

Law Firms: Small law firms are also could see a rise in cyber threats as they store confidential legal and personal information of their clients.

Marketing Agencies: Marketing agencies are vulnerable because they usually have access to their clients' systems. They become attractive to threat actors to perpetuate into their clients systems causing larger damage. This access, combined with often limited cybersecurity measures, makes them an attractive target for hackers looking to access a wide range of data.

Manufacturing: Small manufacturing companies are at risk, due to their often limited cybersecurity measures, risking valuable intellectual property and trade secrets.

Utilities/Construction: Utility and construction companies are also highly vulnerable due to generally weaker security infrastructures. These companies are critical for essential consumer services like water and electricity, and cyberattacks on them could have far-reaching consequences.

More cyber threat activity is anticipated in 2024 to other usual targets like healthcare, retail, financial, startups etc.

It's crucial for SMBs within these sectors to prioritize and strengthen their cyber security posture.

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